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Ferguson, Planned Parenthood & #BlackLivesMatter

Ferguson and the surrounding St. Louis areas have been an incredible place of unrest following the Grand Jury’s decision to not indict officer Darren Wilson.

During the protests many have seen the slogan “Black Lives Matter” displayed on posters, in hash tags and even t-shirts.

(Image via Google Images)

 Do black lives matter? Obviously!

 Yet, ironically, Planned Parenthood fails to see the hypocrisy of tweeting "#BlackLivesMatter" when they have, through abortion, contributed to:


Yes, black lives matter … but not just when it's convenient for a tweet. They matter now, always and at every stage of life. Through education, ultrasounds and the love of Jesus, our hope at Mosaic PHC is to change and save all lives, including black lives, to truly make a difference in our communities.